Monday, September 15, 2008

More, More, More

America the Beautiful 02


I Win



Wired 02

Wired 03


Seana said...

Angus~ love "wired"! Nice!

G. Angus said...

I suspect you're referring to Wired 03. That's just one example of how data centers normally look. Sure, that's the sloppiest of all our racks, but you should see some of the racks owned by other companies on that floor! I'd love to take some pics of those, but there are security cameras outside our cage -- & everywhere on the floor. Security & the companies in question likely wouldn't take kindly to my obsession for photography.

Seana said...

It's kinda funny I'd like this so much; if I saw something like that at work, I'd be totally compelled to find where each one starts and slowly, but surely, untangle them so that they were all nice and separate, LOL. I wish I'd taken pictures of my central lines with 8or so different IV infusions running into them...all non-tangled, all colored tape-coded and labelled. They were a work of nursing art; I'm sure it brings tears to eyes of the heart surgeons I worked for when they think back on it, LOL. Or maybe it was just a manifestation of my poorly hidden OCD???